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Looking for the best free Bootstrap landing page templates? Here you will find ann the best sales and landing page templates based on Bootstrap.

If you visit (or create) a web page that has terms such as “Sign up!”, “Register”, “Act Now!”, “Buy”, “Pre-order”, amongst others — you are browsing a landing page! A carefully curated page that’s meant to serve as the stepping stone for having you, the visitor, complete an action based on the information you’re consuming. In the age of rapid web development and expansion, much of the webpages can be considered landing pages. But, we want to focus on more specific type — the kind that startups, eCommerce stores, online businesses use; any page that involves completing an action that leads to a transaction can be considered a landing page.

Because landing pages account for so many sales and hold such a weight of importance, there is an infinite number of resources available for learning more about the important parts of a good landing page, how to use the full potential of modern web design to better convey ideas, and most importantly to make more sales. Just like testing your online advertisement campaigns, landing pages should also be treated to extensive and rigorous A/B tests to determine which versions work the best in which particular situations.

There are a ton of platforms and resources out there that will help you to analyze your landing pages in front of a real audience for free (and there are also paid options available, we recommend traditional search networks to find what you need), which can be helpful to understand the first impressions others get when visiting your landing page.

Bootstrap Landing Page Templates

On top of making room for a high-quality lead form to capture emails, it’s important to ensure our landing pages consist of:

  • Concise Headlines — we want our main headline on top of our landing page to directly convey our mission, vision, purpose in the best way possible. Be bold about the usefulness of your product.
  • Call-to-Action — our call to action buttons should be easy to spot, and with inviting messages on their own. If you’re offering early access use “Get early access” and so on.
  • Email Singup Form — you want to make your email signup form visible, but not too bloated with text or other funky widgets. Traditional email input form and the “Subscribe” button work the best.
  • Photo & Video — enriching your landing pages with great visual content is invaluable to your success. Investing in professional photographers and videographers is a must if no one else on the team is able to produce high-quality visual content. A demo video helps to ingrain your mission as well as set the tone.
  • Social Proof — have any publications written about you in the past? Use it to your advantage as social proof, it’s one of the easiest methods of ensuring that your visitors feel safe about using your product.
  • Urgency (optional) — sometimes it helps to mention things like the availability of the product, mostly if you are still in a development phase and currently work just with BETA testers and such.

Now, if those insights sounded interesting, know that the world of landing pages (technical aspects of it) go much, much deeper than that. Ed Shelley from ChartMogul has put together an amazing resource that depicts the leading 40+ SaaS startups and their landing pages — there’s a vast ocean of insight and knowledge to be gained from reading his post, and we know for sure that many of you will find new and better approaches to craft highly-converting landing pages. With all this energy on our side, it’s time to take a look at some of the best free landing pages templates that have been built using the Bootstrap front-end framework. We are pleased to announce that this list turned out to be truly spectacular and there are a lot of cool picks to be played around with.

Without further hesitation let’s have a look at the best Bootstrap landing page templates you can start using now.

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Divi (WordPress)

If you plan to push a particular product, service, software or mobile app, whatever the case, reach more potential users with a solid landing page website. Instead of coming up with the design from scratch, you can now kick things off like a pro with the use of Divi. Regardless of your project and intention, with Divi, you can now start moving things forward from the get-go. Divi comes with over eight hundred predefined designs for you to employ and see the fast and striking outcome.

Divi also comes with all sorts of marketing and customization features, too. On top of that, with the integrated page builder, you can make improvements and corrections by avoiding coding altogether. As far as your online presence goes, with Divi, you need nothing else. Let the tool do its trick and have you covered with all and everything you possibly need to enjoy seeing the results you want to achieve.

Jevelin (WordPress)

You can be in any industry you want, with Jevelin, you can now make a website that will impress and amaze everyone. Instead of hiring a coder and seeking help from a designer, just stick to Jevelin and build a page yourself. Thanks to the WPBakery drag and drop page builder, you can enjoy establishing all sorts of different web spaces, including landing pages. If you are launching a new marketing campaign or you would simply like to stick to the idea of one-page website design, get things going forward with Jevelin.

Jevelin contains over thirty ready-made demos, Slider Revolution, smooth scrolling, parallax effect, over forty shortcodes and Contact Form 7. Nothing needs to be done from the ground up anymore – Jevelin rocks a whole bunch of goodness which you can take to your total advantage. And if you need help, you can watch video tutorials, go through thorough documentation and talk to support team.

Shapely (WordPress)

Remarkable things are ahead of you once you choose to build your landing page with the amazing and always impressive Shapely. This tool is a pack full of outstanding features and assets that will help you set yourself up the ideal web space for whatever project you are launching. You can keep things super simple or you can do some advanced stuff and refine the look of Shapely however you see it match your project best. By all means, go as creative as you would like, Shapely handles it all.

Shapely is a responsive, retina-ready and cross-browser compatible Bootstrap-based free template for putting together all sorts of different landing pages. Out of the box, it comes with a clean, modern and professional look with cool stuff like parallax and hover effects, testimonials slider and multi-level drop-down menu. You are in charge of your online presence with Shapely!


Hence the name, Appy is a free Bootstrap landing page website template for apps of all industries and niches. It is very simple, you change the imagery and you pretty much turn the entire theme of Appy. On top of that, you can also modify colors and texts and have a fully functional and active website following your branding ready to go live. The design is there already, you just need to download it and edit it with your material and you might be done in little to no time. No need to waste countless hours on establishing the ideal page when Appy is The ideal.

Appy has all the necessary a landing page should have. Sticky navigation, call-to-action buttons, loads content on scroll, video support, testimonials and screenshot slideshow, these and many other goodies are available in the Appy kit. Knowing that Appy is powered by Bootstrap, you know that your webpage will be responsive. In other words, it will accommodate to any device smoothly and instantly.


You can easily use Solmusic as a free Bootstrap landing page template. As the name suggests, it is a site canvas that you can use for an assortment of different music projects and intentions. Also, it easily caters to various genres since you can fine-tune and alter it with ease. Solmusic is a solution for your online presence that you will find a small breeze to utilize. Of course, you do need to know how to code and whatnot, still, you will save yourself plenty of time.

Solmusic treats you to all sorts of amazingness out of the box. From slider and call-to-actions to social media buttons, news section a functional contact form, Solmusic makes sure it over-delivers. The layout of the template is flexible and fluid, adjusting to all screen sizes in a snap. The operation of your landing page will be flawless with Solmusic.


Unapp is an ideal web design if you are looking to create a landing page for an application. It is a template rich in features that will unlock you a horde of new possibilities. First and foremost, with Unapp, you completely avoid building an online presence from scratch. In case you fancy the default look, by all means, use it exactly as is. With cleanness, minimalism and creativity, Unapp suits many different users already. You might just need to perform a few customization tweaks, add your content and be ready to go just like that.

Extra specialties of Unapp contain sliders, video background, call-to-action buttons, on scroll content loading and animated statistics. There are also a back to top button, pricing plans and a newsletter subscription-ready box. Last but not least, Unapp rocks all the modern web trends, too.


Fancy is another nifty web design solution for businesses, agencies and companies. You can, of course, utilize Fancy for building a landing page website that will take your name out there successfully. The predefined layouts, elements and other special features will get you rolling sooner rather than later. For your information, Fancy is an HTML template based on the popular Bootstrap Framework. It does require additional time and energy to turn it into a fully active website.

Drop-down menu, back to top button, skillbars, testimonials slider, Google Maps and contact form are some of the amenities that you gain access to. There is an option to use Fancy out of the box, but there is also an option to refine it with your creative touches. Do your thing and shine online.


Cargo is an awesome free Bootstrap landing page template for transportation and logistics companies. Instead of doing all the work from scratch, you can now take things to a new degree with Cargo and enjoy the striking web design. The tool is entirely free of charge, yet it comes with tons of awesome features for a top-notch outcome. Also, Cargo rocks a 100% mobile-ready and cross-browser compatible layout that ensures a remarkable performance.

What’s more, Cargo comes with sticky navigation, multi-level drop-down menu, animated statistics, pricing plans and testimonials. You will also find a news section and a working contact form. When you are ready to present your business online professionally, you better get things moving forward with Cargo. It is a tool that anyone can put into practice and turn into a functional page.


When on the hunt for a free Bootstrap landing page website template for fitnesses and gyms, Stamina is a solution for you. With loads of goodies and features, you can now start on the internet like a pro sooner rather than later. Due to the one-page structure, a customer can learn all about your facility, your classes and your trainers within just a few scrolls. Instead of jumping from page to page, Stamina takes care of excellent experience with a single-page structure. There is also a sticky menu that ensures great navigability.

Other treats of Stamina include video background, parallax effect, weekly schedule, on scroll content loading and a functional contact form. The clean and modern design of Stamina also displays all the content beautifully on all devices and web browsers.


Snipp is a lovely solution that calls for the creation of a landing page style website for different creative ventures. Whether you are a freelancer or run an agency, with Snipp, you can help yourself establish a killer outcome. It is a free website template based on the well-liked Bootstrap Framework for your convenience. If you dig the style of the tool, of course, you can use it exactly as it comes out of the box. However, you can also make adjustments, so it follows your branding directions precisely.

The list of features is vast when it comes to Snipp. From sticky navigation, call-to-actions and on scroll content loading to testimonials and cool effects, Snipp rocks it all and plenty more. Now is the right time to take things to a different degree and start on the internet with a bang.


For everyone creative out there, Oneder is a superb free Bootstrap landing page website template. Whether an agency or a freelancer, with Oneder, you can now realize a first-class online presence that will push the boundaries over and beyond. With all the goodies that Oneder comes, the outcome will be nothing short of spectacular. Keep in mind, you can stick to the out of the box look precisely or improve and personalize it. Either way, you can expect a banging result.

Everything starts with the full-screen banner, text and call-to-action button. Use the above the fold section strategically and have them hooked right away. Some more features come in the form of multi-level drop-down menu, filterable portfolio, testimonials slider and pricing plans. Blog, contact form and social media icons are also part of the deal for your convenience.


Drimo is a very original free Bootstrap landing page website template with a sophisticated and contemporary expression. Furthermore, it is a very large tool with more ready-to-use content that you are used to seeing with other templates. That said, Drimo comes with a whopping eleven different, stunning and novel demos with the addition of two blog layouts and an error page. Indeed, all the aforementioned you get to download this very moment for the price of free.

There are different samples for various niches but you can also use one and customize it for something entirely offbeat. Not only that, but with Drimo, you can make eleven entirely diverse websites in a concise space of time. Once you get the gist of it, you can start hammering out page after page for your own or your clients’ projects and boost your workflow to a new degree.


If you are interested in selling books online, utilize Booke, a free Bootstrap landing page template. Thanks to the popular framework, you know already that your site will be mobile-ready and responsive. In other words, every page based on Booke works flawlessly on both mobile and desktop devices. Not to mention, Booke is in harmony with modern web browsers, as well as retina screens. If you are looking for inspiration or you would like to speed up the process of designing your page, do yourself a favor with Booke.

The layout of Booke is sunning, clean and modern, instantly grabbing everyone’s attention. It comes with call-to-action buttons, sticky menu, testimonials and nifty hover effects. There is also a cool slideshow for presenting a sneak peek at your upcoming book release. Last but not least, subscription and contact forms are also integrated into the web design for your convenience.


Foundation – hence the name – is an impactful charity, NGO, non-profit organization and fundraiser website template. With the landing page design, you can present all the information about the cause in just a few scrolls away. Raise the awareness for a cause like a champ with a striking online presence that will amaze and inspire everyone visiting your page. Instead of kicking things off from the ground up, you can now save yourself time with the ready-made web design, thanks to the amazing Foundation.

Some of the outstanding features of Foundation include full-width slider, animated statistics, sticky header, video support, blog and a functional contact form. You can also link your page to your social media accounts and capture their emails with the newsletter subscription widget. Start on the web like a professional with a top-notch charity website, using the superb Foundation.


Slim, as the name suggests, is a free Bootstrap landing page template for fitness facilities, as well as personal trainers. Nowadays, all you need is one page to take your business to new heights and successes. And with Slim, you can establish a solid web space, featuring all your amazing services, programs and other whatnots. Get folks familiar with what you are the best at and let them join your activities and exercises. Capture their attention right away with a split-screen slider and make an instant difference.

Moreover, Slim loads content on scroll, comes with a weekly training schedule, rocks animated statistics, testimonials slider and Google Maps. Have in mind, there is also a blog part to Slim, which you can employ for sharing tips and tricks on how to stay healthy and in shape.


With Bulkapp, as your free Bootstrap landing page template, you will present your mobile or even web application professionally. The tool brings you a spectacular web design that will cover all sections of your presentation. On top of that, you can also tweak it and introduce your signature style to the look of Bulkapp and make it your own.

Bulkapp welcomes all your users with a screenshot of your app, some text and a call-to-action button. The navigation is a sticky one and follows a user at every scroll he or she makes. Other features of Bulkapp are pricing plans, full video support, screenshots slider and newsletter subscription widget. You can also utilize the included blog section and start implementing content marketing for an even greater chance of success. Get on board with Bulkapp and do things the pro way.


If videos games and everything gaming-related is your cup of tea, Comodo is the free Bootstrap landing page website template you need. You can now start your own gaming portal or market your fresh video game with an enticing, modern and sophisticated website. Since Comodo is a Bootstrap Framework tool, you know that your page will work smoothly on all devices, mobile and desktop. Besides, Comodo is also in tune with all modern web browsers, retina screens and ensures an outstanding experience.

Stuff the web design with your custom content and any additional information and enter the world wide web with a cutting-edge page. Your video game or any other gaming project now has a much higher potential of grabbing the attention of folks from all around the globe. The design is there, just a click on the download button away.


Noxen is a nifty free Bootstrap landing page template for digital agencies, as well as freelancers. If you are in need to create a solid online presence, start on the right path by choosing Noxen. Sure, Noxen might be a free tool, but the features and elements it comes with make it more premium-like. As soon as you see the live preview page of the tool, you will immediately understand what I am talking about.

Noxen is flexible and responsive, working on all devices butter smoothly. Moreover, it sports parallax effect, call-to-action buttons, social media icons, testimonials and newsletter subscription form. There are also a working contact form and a blog section for your convenience. Get things moving forward like a champ from the get-go and enter the online space with a bang.


Dizzi is a modern, clean and professional free landing page website template based on Bootstrap Framework. Instead of starting from scratch, you can now get things moving forward without breaking a single drop of sweat, thanks to Dizzi. At least when it comes to the design part of your web space, let Dizzi take care of it. After all, this is still an HTML template which needs your assistance to turn it into a full-blown website. Dizzi is easy to use as it comes with well-organized files for you to get the most out of it right away.

Some of the features contain sticky navigation, hover effects, filterable portfolio, video support, social buttons and a slider to present testimonials. The flexibility of Dizzi is also on point, making sure the experience is always of the highest degree, regardless of the device they use.


Crafted is a powerful and practical solution for getting your business on the internet without the need to kick it off from the ground up. It is a free Bootstrap landing page template with a vast assortment of features and functions. First and foremost, enjoy the amazing, modern and contemporary look that Crafted sports. With the predefined design, it will be a small breeze capturing everyone’s attention. This allows you to increase your potential of winning fresh clients over and score new business gigs.

If you are ready to proceed, Crafted is just a click on the button away. Download the tool and put it to use right away. With a refreshing new page, you can spread the word out and market your services the right way. That’s that, get involved now and shine online.


The name says it all, Edustage is an educational free Bootstrap landing page template. Whether you need a page for a school, college, university or online courses, start the project strong with Edustage. You can now skip the process of building from the ground up and enjoy smooth integration with Edustage. Of course, this is just an HTML template, which requires additional attention from you to turn it into a functional page. However, for as long as you fancy the look of Edustage, you do not need to worry about that.

Different features of Edustage include but are not limited to sticky menu, courses slider, CTA (call-to-action) buttons, registration form and a special section for events. Edustage also comes with blog and contact pages for your convenience. The latter contains both a working contact form and Google Maps.


To popularize your upcoming event, conference, forum or any other gathering, you better sort out a professional and interest sparking website. With Eventalk, you can now take care of the web design part of your online presence. Feel free to utilize the tool out of the box, but if you would like to perform additional customization tweaks, you can do that, too, with Eventalk. It is pretty basic and straightforward at first glance, but you will soon find out that Eventalk sports all the must-haves and then some.

Parallax effect, countdown timer, sticky navigation, animated statistics, on scroll content load, event schedule and pricing plans, these are just some of the goodies of Eventalk. You can also create an Instagram gallery/feed and capture fresh leads with a newsletter subscription form. Last but not least, introduce a call-to-action button and sell tickets straight from your page.


Cloud83 is a contemporary solution for building pages for web hosting and domain registrar companies. The layout rocks a horde of amazing features and functions which will get you going in close to no time. Along with the predefined home page, Cloud83 also comes with inner layouts for about, services, blog/news and contact. There are also a functional contact page and Google Maps integrated into the web design. Some of the stuff, you do not need to start building from scratch if you decide to go with the amazing, eye-catchy and creative Cloud83.

Cloud83 is a free Bootstrap landing page with full-width slider, social icons, flexible layout, well-organized structure and more. Cloud83 comes with no hidden fees, all set up and ready for you to put it into play with just a click on the download button now.


Oneschool is a fantastic free Bootstrap landing page template for schools, universities and online courses. It has a modern look which runs flawlessly on smartphones, tablets and desktops. Even when it comes to retina screens and web browsers, Oneschool operates without a hitch. In short, Oneschool practices all the modern trends so your page stands the test of time, appearing fresh and new all the time.

The features include but are not limited to sign up form, call-to-action buttons, parallax effect, sticky navbar and courses slider. Oneschool loads all its content on scroll what spices up the experience. The tool also does not miss functional contact and subscription forms. You can now beautifully present your educational project with an attractive one-page website. Potential students can learn all about your offering in a matter of scrolls.


Instead of relying on multiple pages, you can now have a single-page website built with Digilab. This free Bootstrap landing page template gives you an opportunity to present your agency or small business on the web in a distinct way. All it takes is one page and they have all the information and details about your business. Digilab boosts user experience and speeds the process of sealing new deals.

From split-screen slider and call-to-action buttons to animations, portfolio, testimonials, Google Maps and contact form, it is all there, at the tip of your fingers. Digilab also includes blog pages for strategic content marketing. Last but not least, mobile-readiness and cross-browser compatibility are also part of this gem. Spread the word out, attract new clients and scale your firm to new heights.


With clean, contemporary and vibrant Landerz, you can start expanding your brand over and beyond. This free Bootstrap landing page template is eye-catchy and attention-grabbing, perfect for an agency, small business or even a freelancer. Use Landerz out of the box or improve and alter the layout to match your needs, either way, a masterpiece is about to be born. Minimalism and sophistication are the two main characteristics of Landerz.

Landerz is split into different sections which display your services, story, testimonials, blogs and a contact form. It also includes social media icons and hover effects. You do want to keep things friendly to the eye with an emphasis on your content and features. That’s that, appear on the web like a pro from the very beginning by utilizing the impressive Landerz.


Raptor is a nifty, contemporary and free Bootstrap landing page template for web hosting companies and domain registrars. You will instantly notice the clean and minimal look that Raptor sports with its web design. It is perfect for creating a pleasant atmosphere where everyone will get the most out of your offerings. That said, present your services and offer them to search for their dream domain name comfortably, distraction-free. Indeed, Raptor even comes with a domain search function out of the box.

Awesome slideshow, sticky navbar, pricing plans, hover effects, animated statistics and on scroll content load are just some of the goodies of Raptor. With the integrated testimonials slider, you can build customer trust, while you can use the blog for sharing tips and tricks and implement content marketing to boost your business through the roof.


Travel agencies, tour guides and other individuals and businesses in the tourism space, Safario is a cracking web design that will help you sort out a striking online space. It is a full package of goodies with a modern look that will instantly spark their interest. Also, Safario is perfect for building landing page style websites, even for pushing single locations and apartments. In short, use your imagination and let Safario take care of the design part of your business-driven online space. Most importantly, avoid building a travel-related website from scratch.

Needless to say, Safario is entirely responsive, based on Bootstrap Framework. Meaning, it seamlessly readjusts to any device and also beautifully displays content on retina screens. Moreover, Safario is also cross-browser compatible, lightweight and fast loading. Other perks of Safario are blog section, Google Maps and a working contact form.


As a fitness studio or gym or pretty much any other sports and activities-related projects, create a page with Sportify. This free Bootstrap landing page template is a dope web design that will get you going sooner rather than later. After all, with a well-thought-out online presence, you can bring in a ton more business and grow your project to new heights. The first thing that pops up is the full-width slideshow with text and call-to-action buttons. With an engaging image, you can easily capture the attention and spark their interest.

Other features of Sportify include classes slider, parallax effect, pricing tables, social icons and static menu. Sportify also does not miss blog/news section, as well as a functional contact form and Google Maps. Spread the word out and invite other passionate sports addicts to join your classes and keep their bodies in shape.


Selling is an outstanding free Bootstrap landing page template for online stores. Yes, you can now actually sell goods online with a single page website. How cool does that sound? Your site visitors will not need to jump from page to page to find the right items for them anymore. With simple scrolling up and down, they can quickly discover their next must-have product. Due to the Bootstrap Framework base, you know that Selling is entirely responsive, flexible and extendable. Besides, it is also cross-browser compatible and retina screen friendly.

In the Selling kit, you will find parallax effect, countdown timer, sticky header, top bar with social media icons, newsletter subscription form and blog pages. Last but not least, Selling also does not miss a working contact form which you can use exactly as is.


If you run a web hosting and domain registrar firm or plan to start one, Lorahost is the free Bootstrap landing page template for you. With its contemporary and appealing to the eye web design, you will have a breeze capturing their attention. Everyone who will visit your page will quickly find what he or she is looking for. The navigability of Lorahost is outstanding and the overall experience flawless. You can take a peek at Lorahost yourself by heading over to the live preview page and see it in action.

There is a search function, sticky menu, pricing plans, testimonials slider, Google Maps and contact form. Lorahost follows all the latest web and tech practices which ensure a secure and steady running. The site canvas adjusts to all devices instantaneously, showcasing all your content beautifully on all screens.


For any type of software you have going on on your end, make sure you sort out its online appearance with Parason. This superb free Bootstrap landing page template easily caters to your needs and regulations. Have in mind, Parason has an organized structure which makes it easy to use and work with. Even if you would like to tweak and edit the out of the box layout, you will do it swiftly. Moreover, you do not need to worry about responsiveness and browser compatibility as Parason sports it both already.

Other amenities of Parason are call-to-action buttons, sticky navbar, pricing plans, hover effects, testimonials and logo slider. You will also unlock Google Maps and a functional contact form which will help you save additional time. No need to start from scratch anymore when you can get your hands on Parason and take care of the design part of your online space.


You know already that Educature is a free Bootstrap landing page website template that has something to do with education. You guessed it right! To be more precise, with Educature, you can start your own online courses program and offer students to gain the necessary knowledge. No matter what you excel at, Educature is here to realize your idea and bring it to life. After all, you have the scheme ready and set for you to put it to use however you fancy. Of course, you can use Educature out of the box, or you can even modify it to suit your regulations precisely.

Educature has a cool rocket animation, a back to top button, sticky navigation, courses page, courses search feature above the fold and on scroll content load. You are one step closer to creating the online courses platform you always wanted to run.


Umeet is a free Bootstrap landing page template for – hence the name – events, conferences and meetups. It has a wonderful design with a clean and straightforward look, making it cater to different intentions in a small breeze. Umeet rocks all and everything to get you going in close to no time. With predefined web design, you can start on the web quicker than ever. Also, when it comes to Umeet, you do not need to worry about mobile-readiness and cross-browser compatibility as it sports both out of the box.

Some more goodies of Umeet include sticky navigation, pricing plans, filterable conference schedule and a beautiful gallery. There is also a blog section and a contact page with a working form and Google Maps. Spread the word out for your event in style with a striking online presence that will make everyone buy tickets right away.


Chimper is an original free Bootstrap landing page template for businesses and agencies. With a massive banner with parallax and typewriter effect, you can effortlessly capture their attention and make them want to learn more about you. Thanks to the Bootstrap Framework, Chimper is also entirely flexible and mobile-ready. It works on all devices like a dream, as well as all popular web browsers. In short, the performance of your website will be of the highest degree.

Additionally, Chimper sports a drop-down menu, testimonials slider, social media icons, newsletter subscription form and blog pages. It also does not miss contact page and other internal sections that call for a complete web presence of your business. Showcase your works, tell more about your services and shine online with a modern and trendy page that will spark their interest immediately.


Another modern, elegant and professional free Bootstrap landing page website template for events and conferences. The layout is easy to use, perfect for both newbies and advanced users. Chimper has a creative approach to web design, helping you differentiate from the masses with ease. Feel free to utilize Chimper exactly as it comes out of the box. However, you can also perform additional customization tweaks if necessary. It covers all the sections that you need to tell more about the forthcoming conference, persuading potential attendees to join. With that in mind, you can also sell tickets via your website, selling out the event super early.

Present all the speakers, break down the program by hours, showcase sponsors and share extra information via the blog. With Chimper, you can make a difference and unlock yourself a whole new specter of possibilities.


There is no real need to wonder what Webhost is all about. It is a free Bootstrap Framework landing page website template for web hosting firms and domain registrars. It comes with all the needed and then some to cover the visual presence of your first-class web hosting services you offer. Make sure you employ the site skin to its full potential and spark everyone’s curiosity. Little do you know, you will have the final web design ready for the launch quicker than you thought. That’s why you should definitely pick up a ready-to-use template and save your precious time and energy.

Webhost has a neat slider, domain search function, contact form, Google Maps, parallax effect, animated statistics, pricing plans and testimonials slider. The features and assets are there, you just need to make them work to your advantage.

Building and customizing landing pages/ with Glint is almost as easy as saying ABCDEFG. I did extend the “ABC” part slightly because, well, it does require a little of your time and effort to make it work. Other than that, your pages will be phenomenal and put together in a snap.

Glint is an HTML template which layout is 100% responsive and retina/HIDPI ready. Said that, it will appear crisp clean and pixel perfect on any device your visitors might be browsing the web on. Of course, the page will adapt instantly to mobile devices, too. By the way, did I mention that Glint is a free template? Each section of the template appears with a beautiful animation and so are the stats counters animated. The latter is great for sharing awards, completed projects and how many clients you already worked with.

With the elegant portfolio, you will amaze guests and get them closer to picking you over the competition. All they might need is to read a few testimonials and they will use the contact form right away. Glint has all mentioned features and then some. Your landing page will look like it was built using premium and only premium tools.


As far as free Bootstrap landing page templates go, we have very many available for you to utilize and employ however you want. Sure, many will find the default looks ideal while the others will want to perform tweaks to make the desired tool adjust to their branding needs. When it comes to Halo, you can use it as is or you can modify its web design and fill it with your artistic touch. Whatever the case, the end product will always be a stunning website, attracting new visitors and turning them into potential clients.

Halo is best suitable for businesses and agencies in the creative field and will do the trick for freelances, too. It is your imagination that is pretty much the only restriction that you have. Full-screen slider, lovely hover effects, integrated working contact form, social media icons, you name it, Halo has it all there, at your disposal.


You have plenty of options what for you would like to use Transcend free Bootstrap landing page template. It fits design studios, modern web agencies, individual professionals and similar best. However, if you have a tiny amount of skills, you can easily customize Transcend and even use it for something entirely offbeat. Feel free to do your thing, go against the norm and stand out a mile. Achieving insane results with Transcend is very likely to happen if you put the work in.

Transcend helps you save a lot of time and energy when it comes to establishing your perfect internet appearance. After all, the web design, the features and all other fancy stuff are there, ready and set for you to employ. Also, due to the powerful Bootstrap Framework, your outcome will be a flexible and super responsive creation that will fluently work on all devices and platforms.

Massive is a cracking layout that will do your innovative application exceptionally well. Whether it is a mobile, web or even a desktop app you are building, by all means, take a peek at Massive. It is a highly adaptive, pliable and extendable free Bootstrap landing page website template that takes care of your needs and regulations. But to truly understand the potential of Massive, you better move over to its live preview page and be amazed and fascinated. I know, right, very interesting!

Moreover, Massive comes with a ton of great and premium-like features for your convenience. From a massive banner, sticky navigation and call-to-action buttons to on scroll content load and unique screenshot slider, Massive is named like that for a reason. The site canvas also supports videos, rocks pricing tables and a newsletter subscription box.

Landing pages using Bootstrap will have zero issues adapting to smartphones, tablets and desktops. In this day and age, every website must be fully responsive and that is a fact. You should not even think twice whether to make a site responsive or not. Responsiveness is simply a must. With that in mind, Dinomuz is the free template that helps you build vivid and impactful landing pages easily. Ideal for everyone in the creative field but can work for other businesses and projects as well.

What you will find awesome about the Dinomuz template are bright, sunbeam-like colors it uses. It definitely adds a distinct look to it that you might not find elsewhere. Display your magnificent projects and tell your story. Moreover, grab emails of those interested in staying updated with your company news with a simplistic subscription box. But it all begins with the big image that incorporates text and a call-to-action (CTA) button. That’s the first and most important part of persuasion. Act wisely and add captivating captions to intrigue everyone landing on your lander. What happens next is all about refining the funnel and take them on a journey from a visitor to a lead.

To create a modern and elegant landing page which is based on Bootstrap, do not be shy and go with Go Crepe. The name is fun and the template is free, do I need to mention anything else? Of course we will further chat about the tool and why you will find it useful and efficient for you. Starting all the way at the top, Go Crepe template is great for websites in creative and development niches, like mobile apps, digital agencies and . Still, you do not have to be any of those and benefit from Go Crepe. It is flexible and quickly adjusts to other industries. No one says you should not use it for food-related websites, too. After all, it is called Go Crepe!

A simple tool with just the right amount of features that you need to represent your work on the web. Background photo, slider, skills section and projects showcase. Go Crepe allows you to display logos of brands you worked with and share your story. A newsletter subscription box is also included which requires nothing but visitor’s email. All the way at the bottom, you will find social icons which you can use to link your landing page with your social accounts.

Crafting landing pages for app developers of all kinds feels comfortable with MobApp template. You can use it for Android, iOS, Mac, PC or just about any other application or software that you need a website for. To spice things up a bit, MobApp sports vivid colors which will add a lovely and original touch to your landing page. Great for promoting your newly released app and to increase the downloads. There is one Download button located in the menu while more call-to-actions are put into different locations across the whole site. Get folks familiar with what your app is all about and why they need it. More importantly, why it will benefit them.

Each part of MobApp template is carefully designed to perfection. Testimonials, screenshots slider, pricing tables and even FAQ, it is all at your service to put it to use. Add your details and content and you are ready to go. It goes like this: change the screenshots and texts and you are prepared for the big launch. Seriously, it is just as simple as it sounds. No need to be looking for a different mobile app lander, you just found the ideal one.


There is no need to think twice to figure out what is the case when it comes to Landing. Indeed, it is a free Bootstrap landing page website template with a creative and sophisticated feel. If you are an agency or you plan on starting one, have your works and services presented online in a professional way using Landing. There is a nice light and dark color contrast that gives this web design a pleasant feel which will fascinate your guests and have them around for a long time.

When it comes to Landing’s features and assets, the website skin misses nothing. It is responsive, mobile and retina-ready, in tune with all modern web browsers and optimized for ridiculous performance. Big and bold design, enticing parallax effect, contact form, Google Maps and other specialties are stuffing Landing and making it a banging tool you should consider.

It is hard to ignore as amazing landing website template as Creative Agency is. Take it to your advantage and make sure you use it to its full potential. Although the tool is free, there are still many features it comes with. At some point, it will seem like you actually download a premium template. Yep, that is how much quality Creative Agency delivers. You surely will be impressed even when further examining the preview.

The layout of Creative Agency is responsive and optimized for retina screens. It is expansive enough to cover, roughly said, all kinds of businesses. For as long as you need a landing page style website, Creative Agency has all the resources you need. The whole experience begins with a full-screen image. Use it to welcome visitors with style and elegance. Luxuriate them with something exclusive so they will not be able to resist but take action.

White background, hover effects, portfolio section, services and prices, it is all part of Creative Agency. You will not need to add any additional elements to your page. Creative Agency has it all, including a . If the earlier template or the one that comes next are not your thing, pick CA and all the rest becomes history.

Do you own a small business but do not have a website build for it yet? Or maybe your current page is old-school, loads slow and does not even adapt to mobile devices. Either way, BBS is a free Bootstrap landing page template that is the perfect option for both examples. Constructing a new or updating the current one, with BBS template, you can do both. While there will be no need for, you can still do minor tweaks and customize the template to meet your likings. But if you are in a hurry, you will have a website live in the shortest amount of time possible. Whenever the need may occur, you can always modify the looks later.

What is the best part of our free Bootstrap landing pages templates is the level of professionalism and premium design they come with. Barely anyone will even notice that you used a free item to put together a website on. And BBS template is no different. It is simple, yet very lively and energetic. Have the quickest solution for your business website and make a landing page with BBS.

Some like websites with a boxed layout while the others full-width or in some cases, full-screen. If you are looking for a free template that falls into the latter category, you came to the right place. Datarc is the Bootstrap based landing page template for you to take into consideration. For creative and digital agencies, startups and almost all businesses you can think of you can easily make Datarc your go-to template. It has all you need to forge the much-needed website in the shortest amount of time.

What happens above the fold is probably the most crucial part when it comes to catching the visitor and making him or her stay. With Datarc, that will not be a problem for you. With the massive header, text and call-to-action, along with the menu, you are equipped with all the needed to turn visitors to become your new and loyal clients. The second most impressive section of Datarc is the categorized, full-width portfolio. It is just beautiful, that’s why. There is more to Datarc than just header and portfolio. Team section, services, pricing tables, testimonials slider and more. For business pages, a contact form is a necessity. Let’s just say that Datarc scored another point.

You can use our free Bootstrap landing pages templates for nearly any intention. We have a special one that is exclusive to mobile apps both for Android and iOS. For application showcase, Ca App Landing template is the most supreme tool you can go with. Along with the app promotion, you can also use the template for sale and download page websites.

The massive, full-width introduction strikes heavily. With an image of your app in use right beside the name and quick few words about it and a CTA, you will have no difficulty hooking new visitors. Ca App Landing is easy to use, customizable and the design insanely powerful. If you have a promotional video, make sure you use it on your landing page. Plus, list the outstanding mobile application features, statistics, app screenshots and pricing plans.

Whether you are a one-man-band or a group of four, Ca App Landing’s team section is perfect to show users who stands behind the masterpiece of an app. Display your contact or let visitors use the contact form. Indeed, that is something you also get with Ca App Landing. Plus and a back to top button. Did I mention that a CTA is located in the menu area? And that the menu is sticky?

Websites that use Dup template will make an impression on everyone that comes across, let it be on purpose or randomly. All thanks to its beautiful and minimal layout that is entirely responsive due to the Bootstrap technology. Mobile, tablet and desktop users can all enjoy scrolling and examine your website, but more importantly, your business in great detail. From creative agencies to local firms, everyone who wants to expand their brand to the online space, Dup is here to help you out.

Stunning in the looks with just the right amount of features to not overwhelm visitors. Frankly, there is no need for the extra entertainment and clutter. Sometimes, you just need to keep things relatively simple to reach the best results. Dup does just that. Moreover, it supports you with spreading your studio’s name out there and help you build your brand. A special segment is solely responsible for displaying your achievements and another one plays your promo clip. The third one is for your skills and the fourth one presents your recent projects. Subscription box and Instafeed widget are also part of the Dup template.

Boxus is one of the templates that will most certainly help you stand out on the internet. It has a very unique and innovative touch to it that sticks with you forever. Everyone who will come to your site will be happy remembering it later in the future. For a business website, that is highly rewarding. They might already be down to do business with you but there is just one thing missing to actually make them do it. And a superb website can surely be the final touch to get the deal going. You will all understand what I am talking about when you see the live preview.

For firms and agencies which would like to show their portfolios and push their brand and spread the word, Boxus is the free landing page template to help you make it happen. The idea behind Boxus’ design is just brilliant. How the menu moves with scrolling highlights each section in a unique way. You will know what you are checking out at all times. Moreover, along with the not-your-every-day layout, Boxus template has plenty features for a complete online business presence. Take it to your advantage and construct amazing websites with it.

When in need to build a boxed landing page website, free Bobsled template has you sorted. It is a contemporary product which makes your lives a lot simpler. From now on, you do not have to come up with the layout all on your own. And you do not even have to worry whether or not your site will be responsive or not. Bobsled uses Bootstrap what makes it entirely responsive. The template beautifully adapts to any screen size and that is something you can test with the preview. Although it is free, make sure the template you pick is the right fit for your business or online project. No need to undergo the installation and customization process once again.

With a name like Bobsled, it is somehow expected that blue color will be involved. If you think the same, you are so right. From the eye-pleasing colors to the required sections for providing all the business information, you get everything. Bobsled also comes with a working contact form and box that will help you capture visitors’ emails. An HTML template for bringing about landing page-like sites that you will not have a problem to stand out in your industry with. Pick the template and use it as is to save the most amount of time.

Exclusive for Android and iOS apps comes Colid. This free Bootstrap landing page website template has a series of traits for you to shine online and spark the interest of even more potential users. No doubt, with a solid page, you have a much higher chance of expanding your potential and, of course, grow your brand to an entirely new degree. Even if your current web space feels old and outdated, you better freshen it up with Colid and astound all your fans.

Along with the mobile apps, Colid also comes handy for SaaS and other software landing pages. Clean and modern, mobile-ready and refined layout to always deliver the same cutting-edge experience is what you are treated to with Colid. No matter where your visitors come from, Colid makes sure they can enjoy skimming through your content seamlessly, as well as distraction-free.


If robots, drones and other scientific projects are your thing, Robotics is unquestionably an item you should study further. It is an up-to-the-minute free Bootstrap landing page website template with solid performance and an array of goodies. What’s more, Robotics follows all the latest technology trends and web regulations to make sure the fresh web design of your new website stands the test of time. Not only that but to always perform at the highest level for satisfied users.

Clean, modern and vibrant style of Robotics helps you win them over easier. Share images, tell more about your creations and push your promotional video that appears in a pop-up beautifully. Sticky and transparent navigation, newsletter subscription, Instagram feed, full blog section and a functional contact page with Google Maps, have you seen Robotics yet? You better should, it is a killer template after all.


Although less and less folks use phones for actual calling, agencies offering community services still exist and will very likely never go away. If you are one of those, we have an exclusive free Bootstrap landing page website template ready and set for you. It simply goes by the name, CallCenter. Very to the point just like its web design is. In other words, CallCenter hits you with a straightforward and easy to browse through web design that everyone will enjoy viewing either from their handheld devices or laptops.

By using CallCenter, you can provide all the details and what exactly your fantastic services are in a distinct and expert manner. Tell the world what you excel at, increase your reach – potential, too – and skyrocket your agency. Download CallCenter now and you can have your page up and running as of today. It is a very newbie-friendly tool, organized and super simple to use.

Creative Agency

You know already what you can do with Creative Agency, don’t you? With this free Bootstrap landing page template, you can quickly set up an online presence for your agency which offers all kinds of various creative services. No doubt, with help from Creative Agency, you can provide solutions that bring joy, happiness and satisfaction to all your clients. But first, take the chance to see the tool live and enjoy the features it brings to the table.

Speaking of which, Creative Agency comes with a full-screen banner, parallax background, sticky navigation and an assortment of web elements. While you can continuously do the work for your clients, however, you can still build a pristine website on the side and not affect your workflow. As soon as you start using Creative Agency, you will understand how simple the process is.


For small businesses, Rango is the free Bootstrap landing page template you can greatly benefit from. It is professional, advanced, simple to use and loaded with great characteristics. While you are already doing remarkable work completing extraordinary projects, a neat and tidy website will only enhance your expertness. No need to look elsewhere, with Rango, you can promptly and effortlessly create an effective webpage and engage your visitors to take action.

But first, you need to take action. Download Rango and get things moving towards a successful launch of your business page. Rango has a bold and wide web design with a solid attention to details and a greatly structured layout. Awesome services slider, full-screen banner with text rotator and a nifty and filterable portfolio section, all this awaits every Rango user. You should be wasting no time and get things rolling with Rango.


Startups and small businesses, you are in for a special treat that goes by the name, Sierra. This free Bootstrap landing page template is here to take care of your needs and wants with its polished and stylish web design. The layout of Sierra is responsive and flexible, what makes it correct itself to the preferred screen in an instant. That said, users of all devices will have a blast examining your website and learning more about what you do and what you have to offer them.

Super clean, vivid, trendy, yet minimal, web design of Sierra is a real eye candy. You will not even mind doing many customization tricks due to the fact of how smoothly Sierra adapts to a broad range of distinctive online projects out of the box. However, due to its simplicity and user-friendliness, improving Sierra is unchallenging and always will be.


If you are passionate about building things and designing stuff for others, get your name known with Mosh. And how in the world can you do that? Before you think of any marketing campaigns to push yourself out there, you first need to have a solid web presence up and running seamlessly. After all, a website is still one of the best marketing tools that you should implement in your business for a steady growth. With Mosh, you can do just that and have a page brought to life quickly and efficiently.

Just like all the rest in this collection, Mosh is also one of the tools that miss nothing. In the neatly packed bundle, you will discover all the needed for your agency or firm and then some. Mosh makes sure you are equipped with the necessary so you do not have to construct anything from scratch.


For a clean, big, striking and wide website, you should think using Suitcase. This free Bootstrap landing page template is suitable for agencies, firms and professional individuals offering web design, web development, marketing and other web-related services. Or you might even be a superstar, providing a complete solution for your clients’ web presences. Whatever the case, it is Suitcase that gives you a chance to bring it all online and give the world a chance to get familiar with your extraordinary knowledge, experience and services.

Slider with text and call-to-action buttons, menu overlay, on scroll content load, animated statistics, functional contact form and subscription widget, get your hands on Suitcase now and see the difference. It also emphasizes your works and completed projects so they sure cannot miss it and see what you do in great detail.

Labs prides itself on a large, full-width slider which might be the main reason why visitors start browsing your page. Soon after someone starts scrolling the page, he or she sees what you excel at. Three large boxes display what you are the expert on and how you can help them out. Hover effect makes each box to stand out for even more visibility. Later, you can go more in-depth with your refined skills and services with the special section dedicated to it. Labs free Bootstrap landing page template has it all perfectly in order.

For your promotional video, Labs supports embeds and places it strategically on your page. With the custom image and play button, the video will blend with your page smoothly. And after someone clicks on it indeed it appears in a popup. Do not forget to showcase what others are saying about your company with the testimonials section and make guests aware who your company members are with the “Meet the Team” section. Lastly, once they scroll all the way to the bottom, they are ready to use the contact form and get in touch with you. Business growth is inevitable with a site built on Labs.

Статья, в которой рассмотрим сайты, предлагающие веб-дизайнерам, разработчикам или просто любителям бесплатные шаблоны (templates) и темы (themes) для Bootstrap.

Сайты, на которых можно бесплатно скачать Bootstrap шаблоны

Данный сайт содержит бесплатные темы и шаблоны Bootstrap как для личного так и для коммерческого использования. Все шаблоны разложены по категориям "лендинг страницы", "одностраничные сайты", "блоги", "портфолио" и т.д.

На данном сайте доступны для просмотра и скачивания бесплатные адаптивные шаблоны Bootstrap. Страница этого ресурса состоит из двух разделов. В первом разделе (вверху страницы) распологаются платные шаблоны, а во втором разделе (внизу страницы) - бесплатные.

Сайт Bootswatch содержит бесплатные темы для Bootstrap, которые отличаются от оригинальной только тем, что они выполнены в другой цветовой палитре. Кроме этого данные темы очень просты в установке, достаточно скачать CSS файл и заменить им оригинальный файл Bootstrap.

На этом сайте представлены бесплатные и платные темы. Правда выбор бесплатных тем, да и платных не так велик. Но, зато на PrepBootstrap содержится для фреймворка Bootstrap очень большое число HTML виджетов и компонентов (более 100).

Данный сетевой ресурс содержит неплохие темы для Bootstrap. Среди них встречаются как бесплатные, так и платные темы. Отличительной характеристикой данного ресурса является то, что каждая тема представлена в виде статьи, к которой можно оставить комментарии.

Сайт, на котором представлено очень большой выбор тем для Twitter Bootstrap. Для удобства поиска все темы сгруппированы в категории подобно тому, как это сделано на сайте Start Bootstrap.

Сайт Free CSS содержит большое количество тем, включая темы для платформы Twitter Bootstrap. Каждую из тем можно вживую посмотреть с помощью кнопки "Live Demo" и при желании скачать.

На этом сайте представлены бесплатные HTML5 шаблоны, построенные на основе фреймворка Bootstrap. Все шаблоны являются адаптивными. Увидеть как будет выглядеть тот или иной шаблон на различных устройствах можно с помощью соответствующих кнопок в режиме живого просмотра.

На сайте WebThemez доступны для скачивания более 200 бесплатных шаблонов для Bootstrap. К каждому шаблону приложено описание и его ключевые особенности.

In this carefully made list of Bootstrap-based free HTML landing page templates, you’ll find some of the marvelous, awe-inspiring, and creative products. Because of the expansion of modern web technology these themes make your development process faster, more comfortable, and utmost beneficial.

As you know selling and user engagements depend too much on landing pages alone, you should select only the best grade templates. Therefore, this curated list will help the users who wish to build a polished, compelling, and mobile-optimized website with less effort.

A limitless number of resources are available online to produce excellent websites. We have amassed only the best free HTML landing page templates. Start reading and enjoy the awesomeness.


Here’s Titan, a high-end, multipurpose, free website template with multiple demos and hundreds of HTML files. It’s built for the people who love adventures because Titan brings a lot of amusement inside it. With this free HTML template, one can build their dream website with a myriad of ready components. The landing demo is so brilliant that you can choose it for your next promotion. In the world of free HTML landing page templates, Titan is a truly brilliant one. Let’s download the template and build whatever you want.


  • Unique and Elegant Design
  • Clean and Commented Code
  • Masonry Layouts
  • Working Contact Form
  • Custom Google Maps
  • Countdown Timer
  • Blog and Portfolio
  • Shop Layouts

New Age

New Age is a highly admirable, truly advanced, perfectly responsive, one of the best free HTML landing page templates. This template is a seamless choice for robust business, a promotional tool, and bona fide site building. Bootstrap landing page templates offer responsive websites for the users to make the sites appear on every device on the earth. As it’s an app landing page, one can get help from it to display web app and other products as well. Featured with bold typography, fresh design, multiple colorful sections, and easy customization make the template best suit for everyone.


  • Bold, Colorful, Attractive
  • Clean, Semantic Markup
  • Custom Fixed Navigation Menu
  • LESS Files Included
  • Custom Button Style
  • HTML5/CSS Device Mockups


A well-designed and highly functional template can pave your way to success in a great aspect. When we see free HTML landing page templates, we scrutinize their functionality and reliability too. Therefore, a template like Creative makes a big entrance in the line up free Bootstrap landing pages. It’s a one page template for creating landing sites and product showcasing. This feature-rich theme can boost your growth if you feel need a multiverse and strong template.


  • Fully Responsive
  • Modern, Creative Design
  • Highly Functional
  • Well-organized Template
  • Image Grid With Hover Effcts
  • Lightbox Gallery


MobApp is a free Bootstrap 4 landing page template with a vivid color scheme. For making landing pages for mobile or desktop apps, this an awesome choice. At the beginning, the header section is the most significant part which contains text and screenshots although you can organize that in your way. Every section is designed to add more features, media, and more. Sticky navigation, hover effects, CTAs, smooth scrolling, and more charming opportunities are available with the template. It’s one of the best free HTML landing page templates.


  • One Page Layout
  • Sticky Navigation
  • Vivid Colors
  • On-hover Animation
  • Carousel Slider
  • Social Media Icons
  • Pricing Plans
  • Themify Icons
  • Fully Responsive
  • Responsive Burger Menu


Free HTML landing page templates make every one beneficial who are needing to create websites for launching new products and initiating promotion. Amid many Bootstrap landing pages, Snow is beautiful, highly flexible, mobile-friendly, fresh-faced, and all-rounder template for webmasters. It’s UI-focused, parallax optimized, well-documented, totally engaging, and a sheerly efficient template. Use it for creating sites with multiple options, compelling contents, alluring design, and natural attractions.


  • Parallax Background
  • Pre-configured Templates
  • Email Signup Form
  • Social Media Icons
  • Visually Engaging
  • Flexible Customization

Small Apps

Small Apps is an astounding, sensational, vigorous, aesthetic, and responsive free landing page template. Constructed with Bootstrap 3 and HTMl5, the template gives you an incomparable opportunity for making landing sites without much effort. If the codes are clean and well-organized then search engines will favor it that results in a rank on the top. With Small Apps, your site will be SEO-friendly as well as mobile responsive. Since the design is Bootstrap-made, it will naturally adapt to both larger and smaller screens.


  • Mobile Friendly Layout
  • CSS3 Animations
  • Cross-browser support
  • Full-width and boxed layout
  • Enticing Contact Form
  • Font Awesome Icons

Landing Page

One of the striking features of free HTML landing page templates is all of them are amazingly functional. Especially, the list you’re reading on is full of massively efficient, eminently multi-verse, entirely mobile adaptive, and of course, utterly malleable. There was a time when people are less-aware about technology because of the limitation in the tech-world. Today human beings are enjoying their so far best time due to the modern invention and discovery.


  • Bootstrap 4 Framework
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Device Mockups Available
  • Call To Action
  • Responsive Design
  • Social Media Buttons


Free website templates for landing pages are some superb options to create website with no hassle. Exclusivity has a simple layout and powerful options for pro users. With sticky navigation, hero header, counters, Google Maps, and other first-class features are there to organize your website easily. For those reasons, it’s one of the best free HTML landing page templates. Moreover, you can complete a lot more with the integrated jQuery plugins. Also, it’s very easy to use especially for the people with no coding background.


  • Full-width Header
  • Bootstrap 4 Template
  • Sticky Top Navigation
  • Google Maps Integrated
  • Clean Typography
  • Animated Counters
  • Beautiful Price Table
  • Google Fonts
  • Detailed Footer Area

Blue App

Blue App is a hefty, prominent, spectacular, outstanding, practical, and massively useful free landing page template based on HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 3. This template is a brilliant creation with the main focus on the user-attracting design, and cool layout to drawing the attention of the visitors. Not all the free HTML landing page templates are satisfying to use and to present your identity. Only a few can meet your demand with pleasure. Blue App is undoubtedly a wonderful incorporation among free Bootstrap landing page templates.


  • One Page Template
  • HTML 5 and Bootstrap 3
  • Parallax Background
  • Smooth Scrolling
  • Nice Contact Form
  • Free Landing Page


People have to undergo the path for exploring the best-suit templates that help them make their websites unbeatable and extraordinary. As you get overwhelmed in the ocean of free HTML landing page templates and looking for a ray of hope we created the list. The eye-pleasing design, fluid responsive layout, engaging color scheme, and minimal vibe of Notes leave every user satisfied. For product launching and showcase page, use the template to harvest email addresses and know about your enthusiast audience.


  • Well-Optimized Code
  • Stylish Navigation
  • Google Fonts
  • CSS3 Animation
  • Readily Customizable
  • Cross-browser Compatibility


Avilon is clean, feature-rich, and appropriately built to build a landing page for all. In the list of free HTML landing page templates, Avilon makes its stance with strength and power. With the flawless design and powerful options, a developer or non-developer can comfortably build a website for their promotion. Made with Bootstrap 4, Avilon is ready to take your business to the next level. Also, users can get benefits from Font Awesome icons. Not to mention that it incorporates Google Fonts and gradients effect.


  • One Page Layout
  • Parallax Effect
  • Sticky Top Navigation
  • Gradient in Color Scheme
  • Social Media Links
  • Scrolling Animation
  • Lightbox Gallery
  • FontAwesome Icons
  • On Hover Zooming
  • Accordions
  • Multi-level Drop Down
  • Custom List Item


Lucy has all the top-quality features that help the users right under the way they surpass while being creative and imaginative. It’s also scintillating, astonishing, fast-paced, user-friendly, remarkable, and avant-grade. Not only this theme has a clean and simplistic design but it shows a real easy way to create sites as users desire also. Implementing the concurrent design rules this site template is an exemplary embodiment free HTML landing page templates.



To convince your audience to download or buy the service/product you offer is surely the crucial objective of a landing page. The formation of this blog about free HTML landing page templates is to ensure you do the things right. As it seems entrepreneurs who wish to reach the pinnacle of success may hardly want to waste their time on finding the right template. No way to ignore the importance of choosing the perfect theme because you’re going to lose your potential customers without it.


  • Unique, Modern, and Engaging
  • Easy To Use Template
  • Responsive Layout
  • Latest Technology
  • Best for Landing Page
  • Email List Creation Tool

App Landing

Even sometimes we get exhausted to find the beautiful as well as yielding template so that users don’t have to face any complexity in the endeavor of making landing sites. Here we have compiled some of the top-grade and responsive free HTML landing page templates only for your convenience. Online advertising is totally different from the real world. Here you need to present your content so that users tend to click on the actionable buttons. Not to mention that an exclusive template like App Landing can do that job most appropriate way.


  • Exquisite and Minimal
  • Tousch-friendly Design
  • SEO-focused Markup
  • User-engaging Elements
  • Lucrative Color Scheme
  • Free To Download

Landing Zero

Landing Zero is a high-class, mesmerizing, impressively-built, amazingly mobile adaptive, and free to download landing page template. It has a full-width video background, mobile-optimized layout, easy customizing facility, email subscription form, and well-polished design. With this Bootstrap-based template, webmasters can build a niche-specific landing page for making more customers engaged with your products. Without spending much time and any money, Landing Zero helps your effort make easy and convenient. The fresh design coupled with the Bootstrap framework, this template is a big addition in free HTML landing page templates.


  • Clean Responsive Design
  • Full-screen Image
  • Video Background
  • Ionicons Font Icons
  • Smooth Scrolling
  • Awesome Gallery


You probably faced many troubles to find free HTML landing page templates that match your idea and need both. But thousands of free templates may obfuscate you and block your sense to differ the good from the bad. The endeavor was never easier. Rest assured. It’s our sole job to aid you so that you can make an impressive move to keep a place in people’s mind. Take AKAD as an example of sophistication and excellence. It’s a well-crafted web template that draws the way easy to follow for every passionate folk. Additionally, it has modern features for doing more works with less effort.



Before trying Backyard for creating a landing page, you really don’t know how a highly-functional web template looks like. And how it works when you have no prior deep coding knowledge. This powerful landing page template made the site building easier and more comfortable. As you know it’s equally important to keep the site well-adaptive on different screen sizes. However, Backyard was built on all latest web technologies and hence you can offer more functionality for your users. Color variations, multiple header styles, clean markup, parallax optimization, and responsiveness, all are for an impressive and eye-catchy website.


  • Parallax Backgrounds
  • Pricing Table Included
  • 100% Responsive Template
  • Multiple Layouts and Color schemes
  • Active Contact Form
  • Mailchimp Incorporation


In a row of free HTML landing page templates, Egret is an unbeatable and incomparable inclusion, no doubt about it. After reviewing many templates with several meticulous criteria, we decided these final items. You have no time to waste on garbage, after all. And we value your effort to work comfortably. For product landing pages, Egret is an admirable one that can ease your pain and make you free from obfuscations.


  • Super Quality Design
  • Ajax Contact Form
  • Different Color Schemes
  • Easy and Convenient
  • Mailchip Support
  • Free Landing Page


Check out this mind blowing template and start building landing pages instantly. Land.io is a superb composition out of free HTML landing page templates. A template made with careful and sincere effort can fulfill user’s demand completely. The performance and functionality are so amazing that you must love it and thus visitors will also get satisfied while they visit your site. Many features including Bootstrap 4, HTMl5, Saas, video section, YouTube embedding, and the well-commented code will let you go an extra mile. However, for free Bootstrap landing page download, get Land.io.


  • 100% Responsive Design
  • Simple, Fast and Reliable
  • Pricing Sections
  • Video Section Available
  • CSS 3 and HTML 5
  • Easy and Robust


Pluto is a creatively designed, wonderfully responsive, truly functional, amazingly malleable, and not to mention, totally free landing page template. Also, this template terribly works on multiple devices regardless of their platforms and screen sizes. Amidst free HTML landing page templates, Pluto is the right tool to demonstrate your vision through a landing page. Of course, it’s available free and anybody can use as it’s not complicated at all.


  • Clean, Material Design
  • Modern Web Technology
  • Mobile-friendly Framework
  • Easy To Customize
  • Free Landing Page
  • HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap3


CreativeZone is a terrific site template for a digital agency, art studio, startup, design firm, and business site. To build landing page templates, it will greatly support your effort while you want to draw your imagination on real canvas. The contemporary design trends and beautiful layouts are there to make your struggle painless and comfortable. Put your true focus on the business idea and make them highlighted with a real gem like CreativeZone. You will surely accomplish the project with no complication and more benefits.


  • One Page Template
  • Responsive Layout
  • Background Video
  • Parallax Effect
  • Retina-ready Gallery
  • Valid Markup


Because Air is robust, astounding, charming, and elegant we added this to the list of free HTML landing page templates. It’s a high-quality and superior template, indeed. If you haven’t found the right design then Air is there for your ultimate necessity. A fully responsive layout and functionally efficient Bootstrap theme can escalate the productivity right under the hood. Furthermore, Air incorporates the features that are limited on other free landing pages.


  • Astounding Design
  • Adaptive to Mobile Screens
  • Nice Color Tone
  • Smooth Animation
  • Sliding with Flex-slider
  • Off-canvas Menu

Mountain King

Were you able to construct a landing page without complication before? If not please try Mountain King. We can assure your unflinching experience, at least. In fact, it is a prominent insertion amongst free HTML landing page templates. Even in your wild imagination, you can’t enjoy this much freedom that Mountain King provides. It’s a precise choice for passionate webmasters who love flexibility while they’re on the ride. Minimal design, free vector icons, off-canvas menu, beautiful layout – everything’s there, just for you.


  • Masonry Gallery
  • CSS3 Animations
  • Responsive Off-canvas Menu
  • Clean and Commented Code
  • Free Vector Icons
  • Masonry Gallery

Landing Sumo

What makes people great? Of course, their work; remarkable, genuine, and creative work. To demonstrate this type creation you must need some tools for assistance. Landing Sumo, although it’s a premium product a free version’s also available, is a surprising, plentiful, stout, graceful, and fascinating template. The smooth animation and color scheme of Sumo are some enticing matter you should care about. In other words, within free HTML landing page templates, Landing Sumo is an irresistible invention


  • Awesome Color Combination
  • Breathtaking Design
  • Fresh and Clean
  • Touchscreen Friendly
  • Clean Commented Markup
  • Free Version Available


If you’re looking for a template that’s clean yet sturdy, minimal yet enticing, then you should look nowhere else than ActiveBox. Moreover, for better usability and true functionality, choose this theme with no doubt in mind. Above all, free HTML landing page templates have some great features that make the users even more powerful to build effective websites.


  • Super Cool Design
  • Clean and Powerful
  • Multipurpose Template
  • Adjustable To Any Screen
  • Easy To Customize
  • Impressive Quality


Sedna is an awesomely built, responsive free HTML5 one page template that gives you enormous flexibility towards sites creation. This carefully created list of free HTML landing page templates has accumulated some great products. Not only that Sedna is a free template but it’s easy-to-edit also. Sedna will give you features that are generally not found in free items.



For high-grade quality, Forkio makes its bold stance amidst free HTML landing page templates. We’re happy to share a stunning, eye-catchy, and mind-soothing template with you. It’s a one-page template that comes with so many compelling features that will make your sites unforgettable to your visitors. And, Forkio is adjustable to any project regardless of their size or type.


  • One Page Template
  • Built With Bootstrap
  • Minimal Design
  • Intuitive Layout
  • Responsive for Mobile Devices
  • Available Free

In the end

Free HTML landing page templates will alleviate your torment of being fast and efficient while creating websites. Use this list for getting all the high-quality free Bootstrap landing page templates made with HTML5 and CSS3. For more , visit our .

  • Сергей Савенков

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