Basic questions about installing Optibay in different laptops. What is OptiBay How to find out which optibay you need

If you did not find it in , please contact us, we will definitely find the right one for your optibay laptop model


do the following yourself: find out two parameters about the optical drive installed in your laptop, more precisely, we are interested in its thickness and interface. How to do it? Read below.

1. This is probably the easiest way to select an Optibey adapter for a laptop. Everything is easy in principle, you need to go to the "" page on our website, find the manufacturer of your laptop in alphabetical order and find the laptop model of interest in the block of the corresponding manufacturer. It is also possible that your model will not be on the list or you have already been there, so let's move on to the next points.

2. As it is often said: - Google rules, he knows everything! We try to find information through search engines. Perhaps they will tell you which drive the laptop has, or you will immediately find information about which optibay adapter you need to install in your laptop. Found!? Great, go to the product page with the appropriate parameters and click buy. Or we continue to collect information.

3. In this option, we will consider ways to search for the necessary information using software, or more preciselyAIDA64. AIDA64 is used to extract information about the computer's hardware, its status, test and monitor the main components in real time. Very useful software.

4. If the previous methods did not suit you for some reason, you did not find information about the optical drive installed in the laptop, let's move on to manual options. It is necessary to measure the height of the optical drive (CD-DVD) that is installed in your laptop. In terms of height-thickness, there are only 2 standards - these are 9.5mm and 12.7mm, respectively, and the optibe adapter will be 9.5mm or 12.7mm. Measurements can be made by pulling out the drive carriage and measuring the optical drive case. Its contour will be clearly visible on the end face of the aluminum case. If your measurement tool is not very accurate, then we are trying to estimate it this way, or to put it more simply, the drive will be up to 1 centimeter thick or more than 1 centimeter thick. Do not even bother measuring tenths. Having received this information, you have already done half the job, let's move on to the second part.

5. Now you need to find out what kind of connection interface this drive has.There are more options here, but we will not dig deep, we will focus on more or less modern options. The most common today is SATA, or rather even miniSATA. It is visually similar to conventional SATA, only smaller in size and the second option IDE or else it is called ATA, PATA.

We have described the most common connection types, but there are other interface options.

for optical drives, they are not common and there will be a separate topic for them.

6. In order not to bother with manuals, disassembly and measurements, you can contact the laptop manufacturer for information or "smoke" the documentation - detailed description - characteristics - parameters of your laptop model.

Caddy OptiBay, or as it is most often called in a simple way - the OptiBay adapter is a pocket device made of plastic or light alloy, the purpose of which is to install an additional SSD or HDD 2.5 ”hard drive in a laptop instead of a DVD-CD-Blu optical drive -Ray.

More recently, adding another hard drive to a MacBook, Mac mini or iMac was considered something out of the realm of fantasy - there is simply no free space in the compact cases of these devices to accommodate an additional drive. Usually, when there is not enough space for storing information, device users purchased a more capacious hard drive and installed it instead of the regular one. Of course, such a solution has the right to exist, but in this case one has to face a variety of problems. Firstly, when you completely replace an SSD or HDD, you need to transfer data, which can be quite a lot on a modern drive. Secondly, the cost of high-capacity drives is quite high and, often, a new drive is not much superior to the old one, since the user does not always have the opportunity to invest a large amount in upgrading the device. And thirdly - with such a replacement, the removed hard drive is out of work or, at best, is used with an external case as a removable drive.

But today, any user can upgrade his computer without resorting to radical design changes. The adapter is installed in the place vacated when the optical drive was removed, and is a kind of dock for an SSD or HDD drive. Installing a hard drive with Caddy OptiBay does not require any special configuration of the operating system or the device itself, installation of drivers or any other operations. A drive mounted with OptiBay is recognized by the system as another hard drive immediately after rebooting the device and can be used immediately.

Using the OptiBay adapter has many positive aspects:
There is no need to use external drives that you had to carry with you - the SSD or HDD drive is now located in the device case.
The space inside the laptop is rationally used. How often do you use an optical drive lately? Certainly not very often. And an additional hard drive will always be in demand.
You get extra disk space.
It becomes possible to operate two SSD or HDD disks at once - combine them, partition them, create RAID arrays.
Installation of OptiBay takes 10-20 minutes, depending on the type and model of the device. If necessary, the adapter can also be quickly removed and replaced with a DVD drive.
The appearance of the laptop after installing the OptiBay will not be affected - the optical drive panel fits perfectly with the OptiBay.

Choosing an OptiBay adapter for a specific computer model is not difficult. The main characteristics when choosing is the interface and the thickness of the device. To determine the type of adapter, you need to remove the DVD drive from the computer and measure its thickness. As a rule, these devices come in two types: 9.5 mm thick and 12.7 mm thick. The device connection interface is . Externally, it is easy to distinguish between these two connectors.

We are used to the fact that even the most wonderful thing must have its drawbacks. In extreme cases, the disadvantage may be the high cost of the accessory. In the case of the Caddy OptiBay, this rule does not work - the adapter simply has no weak points and at the same time has an affordable price for everyone.

Optibay is a device that simulates a DVD drive in a laptop, in which you can install a second HDD or SSD drive. You will receive two drives in the laptop. This does not require any drivers. In turn, the drive can be installed in a USB case and used as an external one.

2. Which Optibay adapter should I choose for my MacBook or other PC laptop, iMac, Mac mini?

Optibay adapters come in different heights: 9.5mm or 12.7mm. Also, Optibay comes with SATA interface (newer laptops) and PATA (IDE) interface for older laptops. As for the MacBook and MacBook Pro - for all Unibody models, a special Optibay for MacBook with all necessary fasteners. For other MacBooks, either 9.5mm PATA or 12.7mm PATA (for example, MacBook Pro 17" 2007). Our Optibay adapters always have a device compatibility chart in the description. For iMac and Mac mini, it fits Optibay 12.7mm high with SATA interface.

With regards to PC laptops - we have a lot of data on the compatibility of different models and Optibay. They can be found

3. Is the installation difficult, can I install Optibay in my laptop by myself?

Installation Optibay to laptop (MacBook)- the procedure is not complicated at all. She only wants good instructions and screwdrivers. If the task is to install Otpibay in a PC laptop (for example, Sony, Lenovo, HP, DEll, etc.) - most often you need to unscrew a couple of screws that secure the drive and simply pull it out of the case. Next, you just need to install Optibey in your laptop. Sometimes you can install a regular decorative plug on the new Optibay, almost all mounts are universal.

Installing the Optibay adapter in a MacBook, especially in a Unibody model, will take no more than 20 minutes. It is required to remove the bottom cover, unscrew the drive mounts, insert the Optibay instead of the drive. Everything is not so difficult.

In the monoblock iMac, instead of the drive, it is also possible to install Optibay 12.7mm, and enjoy all the convenience of the speed of an SSD drive. To install, you will need to remove the iMac screen protector using sucker, unscrew the mart, remove the cables from the matrix to the motherboard, unscrew the drive and install Optibay instead.

4. Where to put the SSD, and where is the HDD?

On a MacBook Pro or regular MacBook before 2011, we recommend installing an SSD instead of the stock HDD. More often there the throughput of the interface is higher than at the drive site. On a 2012 MacBook Pro, you can install an SSD in the Optibay.

5. What is the purpose of the jumper on some Optibay models?

This applies to laptops from the end of 2011 release. The jumper is needed for correct operation, on some laptops in which the disk (ssd or hdd) does not want to work correctly. The jumper is needed to switch to SATA II mode (initially, the jumper is in the SATA III position, the position farthest from the connector).

6. Can I order delivery to the regions of the Russian Federation?

Yes, we ship orders to the regions. The cost of delivery by Russian Post first class is 400 rubles. If you need an order faster, we can send by EMS - 700 rubles.

  • Sergey Savenkov

    some kind of “scanty” review ... as if in a hurry somewhere